BGB Podcast #131 – But At What Cost?

Here it comes, from the famous Bob Barker studio in Hollywood!

Even if the price is right, it might not be right for you. We all have different thresholds where a board game we’re interested in crosses from, “maybe I’ll wait for a sale” into “sure why not” territory, but where is that magical line? Has what we’re willing to pay for games changed over time? Before we get sticker shock, we talk about Twin Tin Bots, Ticket to Ride: New York, Whale Riders, and Dead Reckoning.

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02:20 – Twin Tin Bots
07:37 – Ticket to Ride: New York
14:36 – Whale Riders
22:55 – Dead Reckoning
39:30 – Teotihuacan: City of Gods
41:38 – Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan
45:30 – Food Chain Magnate
48:15 – An Infamous Traffic
48:57 – This Guilty Land
49:33 – Oink Games
50:17 – DURIAN

Thank you to Heart Society for generously letting us use What’s On Your Mind, Kid? from their album Wake the Queens.

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