Tagged: an infamous traffic

BGB Podcast #242: Second Time’s the Charm

Not every game makes the best first impression, but some stick in your mind enough to warrant a second try. So fittingly, the first and second best hosts are here to tell you about the games that they think deserve a revisit. Before we repeat stuff, repeat stuff, we talk about Mille Fiori, Rise of the Metro, and Turing Machine.

BGB Podcast #202 – Your Fulfilled Potential

Looking back on the past made us all reflective. For instance, remember 166 episodes ago when we promised to play all those games on our shelves of shame? I thought you might. We’re revisiting our crimes of yesteryear, and checking in on how guilty we are. Before we audit our past selves, we talk about Warp’s Edge, Carolus Magnus, and Unfathomable.

BGB Podcast #131 – But At What Cost?

Even if the price is right, it might not be right for you. We all have different thresholds where a board game we’re interested in crosses from, “maybe I’ll wait for a sale” into “sure why not” territory, but where is that magical line? Has what we’re willing to pay for games changed over time? Before we get sticker shock, we talk about Twin Tin Bots, Ticket to Ride: New York, Whale Riders, and Dead Reckoning.

BGB Podcast #36 – Your Unfulfilled Potential

Why play today what you can put off until tomorrow? What’s your white whale? The one game you’ve been itching to get to the table for ages, but for whatever reason, just never have? Well, call me Ishmael, ’cause we’re counting down not just one, not five, but ten games each that we haven’t...