Tagged: seasons

BGB Podcast #175 – Cute As a Button

As longstanding experts on being cute, we thought we’d finally bring both of our fields of expertise to bear on one topic. It’s a return to the classic top five list, and we’re counting down the cutest goshdarn board games we can think of. Before things get kawaii, we talk about Nations, Mountain Goats, and Brew.

BGB Podcast #109 – Harshing My Buzz

We’re gluttons for punishment this week, because we’re talking about harshness in board games. These are the sort of games where big moves or bad mistakes can be hard to recover from. Harsh games aren’t for everyone, so when and why do we find them appealing? Before we grit our teeth, we talk about Wavelength, Genoa, Krass Kariert, and Oceans.

BGB Podcast #62 – A Melange of Games to Play Again

It’s all well and good playing the newest, hottest games, but that doesn’t stop us wanting to go back to some of the old goodies. We’re counting down our top five games we want to revisit, to enjoy once more as we did in our youth. Relatively speaking. Before we get all wistful, we also talk about Eye My Favourite Things, On Tour, and Dune.