Tagged: friday

BGB Podcast #316 – Four Heads Are Better Than One

I’m in a bit of a quandary here, because Mark told me not to tell you what this episode is even about, but I want this description to be, well, descriptive but he’s glaring at me really hard, and making a throat slitting gesture so I daren’t risk it. It’s about … board games? Before we get ahead of ourselves, we talk about Binho, Stamp Swap, and First Rat.

BGB Podcast #170 – Friedemann Friese Frenzy

We love Friedemann Friese, so much so that we’re devoting a whole episode to the green-haired designer – a comprehensive look back at his contribution to the hobby, and how we’ve gotten on with his games over the years. If you’ve never played one of his games, let us help correct that. Before we give the fantastic fellow our full focus, we talk about Kubb, Pictures, and The Field of the Cloth of Gold.

BGB Podcast #164 – Get Uncomfortable

It’s getting a bit too comfortable around here. Time to put stones in our shoes, tighten our belts, and get out of our comfort zones. We talk about the times that we’ve found ourselves in unfamiliar or uncomfortable gaming situations, and what we learned about ourselves in the process. Before we unfluff our pillows, we talk about Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation, Reavers of Midgard, and Paleo.

BGB Podcast #117 – All Decked Out

It’s time for another “What we love, what we hate”, and this time we’re looking at deck builders! Its been twelve years since Dominion blew things up, and since then you don’t have to look very far to see a game that uses the mechanic. We look at the highs and lows of deck building as a mechanic, and discuss some of our favourite games that use it. We also talk about Bruxelles 1897, Elysium, and Can’t Stop.