Tagged: blue lagoon

BGB Podcast #157 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2020: 20-11

We’re moving into the terrible teens of the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. I learned all I know about American teenagers from TV, so I assume this is where all the sex and drugs come in. Let’s get to it then, forty (roughly) more games that we simply adore. As the list goes on, they only get better and better. That is, after all, the premise.

BGB Podcast #154 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2020: 50-41

It’s here at last, the big event! Yes, it’s the first episode of the yearly ritual we inventively call the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. And this year, for the first time, the Blue Tank, Christina is weighing in too. That’s forty incredible games to kick us off! Join us in the weeks ahead as we sing the praises of our absolute favourite board games, because we’re just getting started.

BGB Podcast #145 – Zero to One Hundred: $100 Collection Triple Triumph

We weren’t going to let Kellen have the last word on what makes the perfect $100 collection, so the 139 squad is here to finish it out. Forgot the premise? You’ve lost all your board games, and only have $100 to rebuild it; what do you buy first? Before we make every penny count, we talk about Cosmic Encounter Duel, Hundreds of Horses, Billionaire Banshee, and Floor Plan.

BGB Podcast #136 – H-h-h-hot Hot Hot

Hot days call for hot questions! To counter the California heat wave, we get breezy with a round of hot questions. We take a long hard look at games we love, but don’t play, and give our takes on the theme to end all themes. Before we get heated, we talk about Ctrl, New York Zoo, and Renature.

BGB Podcast #123 – Filler Up

Sometimes you have a little gap of time between larger, heavier games, and what you need is a palate cleanser, which brings us to the realm of games we lovingly call “fillers”. We kick off the very first Ranked Duel Battle of the Boards (definitely not the final title) by ranking our favourite filler games! Before we pass the time, we talk about Aerion, Ingenious, The One Hundred Torii, and Taluva.

BGB Podcast #115 – Gone But Not Forgotten

There’s only so much space on our shelves, so games don’t always stick around forever, but that doesn’t always mean that we don’t like them. There are many reasons that a good game might get the boot, so let’s talk about them. We count down our top five favourite games we got rid of! Before we pay our respects, we talk about Through the Desert, Lords of Hellas, Troyes, and Watergate.

BGB Podcast #114 – Let It Grow

Some games put their best foot forward on the first play, eager to have most players feel good right out of the box. Other games are content to take their time. This episode we’re focusing on the latter, games that we’ve only come to appreciate as we’ve given them more time and more plays. Before we grow together, we talk about Ginkgopolis, Time Chase, and Food Chain Magnate.

BGB Podcast #103 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2019: 20-11

A new year, a new decade, a new podcast, and a new batch of games that we love talking about. It’s the fourth in our five part series of our 50 favourite board games of all-time, and appropriately, we’re kicking off 2020 by breaking into the top twenty. Synergy.

BGB Podcast #101 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2019: 40-31

We’re shifting up a gear, the stakes are higher, it’s all to play for, and a whole host of other cliches, in the second of our five part series on the top fifty games of all time. Thirty(ish) more incredible board games coming at you, and we’re not even halfway done yet.

BGB Podcast #71 – A Hate-Love Relationship

There’s nothing sweeter than the softening of a heart, that precious feeling when all the the things you thought you’d hate, suddenly become endearing. We’re counting down our favourite games that we thought we were going to hate, but ended up loving. Before we go full tsundere, we talk about Indian Summer, Richard the Lionheart, and X nimmt!