Tagged: sidereal confluence

BGB Podcast #314 – Bringing Out the Best in People

It’s about people, right? Below all the mechanics, after all the rules explanations, beyond every crushing loss and glorious win, what really matters is people we’re playing with. Some games make that more apparent than others, and we’re here to celebrate that. Before we realize it’s about the friends we made along the way, we talk about Arcs, and Luthier.

BGB Podcast #299 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2023: 10-1

We made it! We’ve arrived at last at the final ten games, in fact, our TOP TEN favourite games of all time. Thanks for joining us again on this yearly pilgrimage, as always it’s the journey that’s the important thing – but that’s not to say that there isn’t some exciting moving and shaking to happen at the destination. That said, it’s time to pass out on the couch.

BGB Podcast #288 – Less is More

A little prune, a little embellish, a nip, a tuck, and a flourish, and we can get this thing just how we like it. We’re looking at all the little things that we’d like to see more of, all the things we’d like to see less of in the world of board games. Before we giveth and taketh away, we talk about First in Flight, Tramways, and Wandering Towers.

BGB Podcast #260: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 10-1

Here it is, the one we’ve all been waiting for, the Board Game Barrage top ten games of all time! It’s been a long road and we’ll wrap it up by seeing some old favourites … and maybe a few new faces? Old or new, these are the thirty games we enjoy the most (at least, right now.)  We loved sharing these lists with you and hope you’ve enjoyed listening to them!

BGB Podcast #256: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 50-41

It’s top fifty season! That’s right, it’s the time to reflect on every single game we’ve ever played, and see how we feel about them in the year of our lord, 2022. We sort through the chaff, and from it we weave a beautiful golden strand we call our top fifty greatest games of all time. Grab a glass, and join us.

BGB Podcast #247: We Played A Heap of Games!

What good would going to a convention be if we didn’t play a lot of games? We’re back from our trip, and it was filled to the brim of fine games played with fine people, and we’re here to tell you about all of them, the good, the bad, and perfunctory. Before we return to Vancouver, we talk about Village Rails, The Guild of Merchant Explorers, and Puzzle Strike 2.

BGB Podcast #231: Why Fight When You Can Negotiate?

Yes, you could make the argument that every game is a negotiation game if you try hard enough, but for a lot of games it’s more integral to the design. We look at games that we think integrate negotiation mechanics especially well, and ask how much is too much (or too little) when it comes to negotiation. Before we compromise, we talk about Septima, and Kremlin.

BGB Podcast #216: We’re Doing This Together!

Waiting your turn is so 2021.  Simultaneous play is where it’s at now. Fortunately, we got a chance to try A BUNCH of games featuring the mechanism at Dice Tower West! So, before we all hold hands and dive in all at once, we’ll chat about Bear Raid, Loco!, Imperium: The Contention, and Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest.

BGB Podcast #208: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2021: 10-1 (ft. Tom Brewster)

It’s the grand finale of the event of events that is the BGB Top 50 Games of All-time! These are our ten absolute favourite games, and, fittingly, it’s a bumper episode with more than one surprise. Joining us in the peanut gallery this week, it’s none other than the manic imp of Shut Up & Sit Down himself, the absolute mad genius that is Tom Brewster. Buckle in, it’s going to get weird.