Tagged: sherlock holmes consulting detective
Good storytelling isn’t easy, and board games seem to struggle with it especially – which makes the ones that do pull it off, all the more memorable. We delve into the ways that games can engage us and create lasting experiences through stories. Before we spin a yarn, we talk about Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Artisans of Splendent Vale.
We love all of the emails we get from you, our lovely listeners, but without a regular mail segment, we can’t often give them the attention they deserve. Well that ends right now, as we delve into the long neglected pile of mail, and answer some choice questions that have been waiting patiently for answers. Before we rustle in the mailbag, we talk about Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done, and World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.
Sometimes, if you want a game bad enough, you’re willing to go to absurd lengths to acquire it. Whether it’s because it’s out of print, or just hard to come by, we’ve all put more effort than we should’ve into finding or playing specific games. We tell our stories of just how far we’ve gone. Before we secure the bag, we talk about Tinner’s Trail, and The Night Cage.
We had so many fun ideas for this week that we couldn’t settle on just one! It’s always great getting topic suggestions from our listeners, but not all of them can make a full episode, so we figured we’d work through some of them here. Keep sending them in! Before we spice our lives with variety, we talk about Jekyll vs. Hyde, Seikatsu, and Merv: The Heart of the Silk Road.