Tagged: pendulum

BGB Podcast #254: A Celebration of Innovation

One of the greatest things about taking part in this hobby, is seeing new and novel ideas bubble to the surface. We’re looking at some our favourite recent innovations – stuff that makes us think, “Huh, why haven’t we seen that before?” Before we do anything but imitate and iterate, we talk about Paint the Roses, and ISS Vanguard.

BGB Podcast #167 – Cleanin’ Out My Closet

As important as it is to talk about that which we have received, so must we mark the loss of the games whose time has passed. Board games leave our collections for many reasons, so we’re going to revisit the ones that found better homes in the past year. Before we press F, we talk about Long Shot: The Dice Game, Hallertau, and Welcome to New Las Vegas.

BGB Podcast #139 – Bugbear Brawl

It’s an unprecedented trio of hosts, but we’re no less heated about our biggest board game bugbears. In fact, we’re so upset about these little annoyances, that we couldn’t help but order them in a list for your amusement … BGBBOB style. Before we get bugged by bears, we talk about Calico, Telestrations: Upside Drawn, and Pendulum.