Tagged: nusfjord

BGB Podcast #256: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 50-41

It’s top fifty season! That’s right, it’s the time to reflect on every single game we’ve ever played, and see how we feel about them in the year of our lord, 2022. We sort through the chaff, and from it we weave a beautiful golden strand we call our top fifty greatest games of all time. Grab a glass, and join us.

BGB Podcast #204 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2021: 50-41 (ft. Mike Dilisio)

It’s time. The event of the year is upon us, as we begin counting down our FIFTY. FAVOURITE. GAMES. OF. ALL. TIME. We’re kicking it off where you kick off all good top 50s, with our games ranked 50th to 41st favourite games. And we’ve also invited Mr Delicious himself, Mike DiLisio of The Dice Tower, to pick apart our choices from his lofty perch in the peanut gallery. Let’s go!

BGB Podcast #192 – Fantasy Draft: BoardGameGeek 301-400

A new list of a hundred games to draft, and it only gets harder and harder. We’re each picking a standalone collection of five games in a snake draft format. And the best part is you could win $50 just by voting on your favourite collection! Before we get to clubbing, we talk about Regicide, Dice Miner, and Let’s Make a Bus Route, and SCOUT!

BGB Podcast #189 – Uwe Baby

We love Uwe Rosenberg around these parts, whether it’s because of our infatuation with polyominoes, the need to keep workers fed, or the strange mechanisms of animal breeding. Join us down the (cottage) garden path of his designography, and make sure to plant some vegetables along the way. Before we get agricultural, we talk about Bosk, Spies & Lies: A Stratego Story, and Glen More II: Chronicles.

BGB Podcast #154 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2020: 50-41

It’s here at last, the big event! Yes, it’s the first episode of the yearly ritual we inventively call the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. And this year, for the first time, the Blue Tank, Christina is weighing in too. That’s forty incredible games to kick us off! Join us in the weeks ahead as we sing the praises of our absolute favourite board games, because we’re just getting started.

BGB Podcast #130 – And the Award Goes To …

It’s award season when we say it is, so we’re looking back at the Golden Geek Awards, The Dice Tower Awards, and the Spiel des Jahres nominees. We offer our thoughts on their picks, and how wrong they are. I mean, Wingspan winning “Best Four-Wheel Drive SUV” just seems a bit much. We also talk about Battlestar Galactica, Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small, Paladins of the West Kingdom, and The Boss.

BGB Podcast #119 – The Seven Week Itch

Look, digital gaming is great and all, but there are some games that either don’t lend themselves well to the format, or aren’t available. Whatever the reason, there are lots of games that we’re itching to play once the world returns to normal. It’s a top five countdown! Before we start scratching, we talk about Exit: The Game – Sunken Treasure, Pandemic: Rapid Response, and Stockpile.

BGB Podcast #61 – Beware of the Cyber

Let’s get digital. Electronic board games! What will they think of next?! There’s been a trend of more and more board games being translated into web and mobile apps, so join us as we make the jump to cyberspace. Before we plug in, we also talk about Heul doch! Mau Mau, Architects of the West...

BGB Podcast #52 – Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Theme

The crimes of fiddly worlds. Sometimes you’re not looking to win or lose, you’re looking for an experience. A lot of games promise to deliver thematic gameplay, but what does that mean for the mechanics? Does it have to be one without the other? Before we set the mood, we talk about Nusfjord, Paper...