Tagged: nova luna

BGB Podcast #283 – Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal

Not all are as blessed as we are by the gift of truly original thought, and so many turn to others for inspiration. Whether it’s Newton standing on the shoulders of giants, or stealing from our rich neighbour Xerox, many great ideas are born from what has come before. Before we make the inspired choice, we talk about Masters of Renaissance: Lorenzo il Magnifico – The Card Game, Innovation Ultimate, and Dawn of Ulos.

BGB Podcast #220: Fantasy Draft: BoardGameGeek 501-600

It’s been a little while, but we’re back with the next hundred games on BoadGameGeek, and we’re drafting a five game collection from them. Who ended up with the best picks? Vote and you could win a $50 gift voucher! Before things get drafty, we talk about Imperium: The Contention, Wonderland’s War, and Gentes.

BGB Podcast #189 – Uwe Baby

We love Uwe Rosenberg around these parts, whether it’s because of our infatuation with polyominoes, the need to keep workers fed, or the strange mechanisms of animal breeding. Join us down the (cottage) garden path of his designography, and make sure to plant some vegetables along the way. Before we get agricultural, we talk about Bosk, Spies & Lies: A Stratego Story, and Glen More II: Chronicles.

BGB Podcast #166 – You’ve Got to Iterate to Innovate

Design often builds heavily on what has come before, but some designers, have made an art of iteration, taking their own beloved designs, and frequently reinventing them in new ways. We dig into this practice of extremely iterative design, and how it fits into an industry hungry for fresh ideas. Before we do it again, we talk about Dirge: The Rust Wars, Electropolis, Vinhos Deluxe Edition, Architects of the West Kingdom, and Sagani.

BGB Podcast #154 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2020: 50-41

It’s here at last, the big event! Yes, it’s the first episode of the yearly ritual we inventively call the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. And this year, for the first time, the Blue Tank, Christina is weighing in too. That’s forty incredible games to kick us off! Join us in the weeks ahead as we sing the praises of our absolute favourite board games, because we’re just getting started.

BGB Podcast #153 – Never Look Back at 2020

So long, 2020, thanks for nothing. Heads set firmly forward, we reflect on what’s been a completely wild year. Despite our complete inability to play a lot of them, board games did happen, so we take a bit of time to talk about the biggest surprises and disappointments. Finally, we cast our mind ahead to...

BGB Podcast #114 – Let It Grow

Some games put their best foot forward on the first play, eager to have most players feel good right out of the box. Other games are content to take their time. This episode we’re focusing on the latter, games that we’ve only come to appreciate as we’ve given them more time and more plays. Before we grow together, we talk about Ginkgopolis, Time Chase, and Food Chain Magnate.

BGB Podcast #112 – We Played a Bunch of Games!

Let me set the scene: It’s a late night at a hotel in Nevada, we’re sprawled on the floor around a microphone, and we’re flexing our tired hands after three days spent playing so many board games. Coming at you from Dice Tower West, we report on what we’ve been up to, and all the games we played. Before we’re leaving Las Vegas, we talk about Don’t Get Got!, Kemet, Master of Respect, and Nova Luna.