Tagged: ingenious

BGB Podcast #316 – Four Heads Are Better Than One

I’m in a bit of a quandary here, because Mark told me not to tell you what this episode is even about, but I want this description to be, well, descriptive but he’s glaring at me really hard, and making a throat slitting gesture so I daren’t risk it. It’s about … board games? Before we get ahead of ourselves, we talk about Binho, Stamp Swap, and First Rat.

BGB Podcast #283 – Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal

Not all are as blessed as we are by the gift of truly original thought, and so many turn to others for inspiration. Whether it’s Newton standing on the shoulders of giants, or stealing from our rich neighbour Xerox, many great ideas are born from what has come before. Before we make the inspired choice, we talk about Masters of Renaissance: Lorenzo il Magnifico – The Card Game, Innovation Ultimate, and Dawn of Ulos.

BGB Podcast #256: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 50-41

It’s top fifty season! That’s right, it’s the time to reflect on every single game we’ve ever played, and see how we feel about them in the year of our lord, 2022. We sort through the chaff, and from it we weave a beautiful golden strand we call our top fifty greatest games of all time. Grab a glass, and join us.

BGB Podcast #243: We’re on Each Other’s Team

The best thing about being part of a team is even when things go wrong, your team is there for you. And boy, did things go wrong this week … but I’m getting ahead of myself. This week we’re talking about team games! Twice! Before we make the dream work, we talk about Art Decko, Feed The Kraken, and War of the Ring: The Card Game.

BGB Podcast #207: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2021: 20-11 (ft. Ambie Valdés)

The penultimate episode of the grand series is here, it’s the BGB Top 50! As the journey approaches its end, we’re venturing into our 20th to 11th favourite games, with some support from the peanut gallery. And with thirty more board games to blitz through, who better to help us than Ambie Valdés of Board Game Blitz!

BGB Podcast #199 – Amerigames and Eurotrash

The split between Eurogame and Ameritrash gamers is as old as it it is silly, but in the last ten years it’s also become a lot more nebulous. It’s less clear than ever which side of the fence games fall on, so why still use these archaic labels at all? Maybe it’s time for a change. Before we heal the divide, we talk about Hostage Negotiator, Juicy Fruits, Sleeping Gods, and Witchstone.

BGB Podcast #197 – Fantasy Draft: BoardGameGeek 401-500

It’s part five of our venerable draft series, a series so loved that it’s now in syndication! We’re moving on to the tail end of the BGB Top 500, but the format stays the same: draft five games to build a standalone collection that’s better than the others. Vote for your favourite, and you can win $50! Before we collect royalties, we talk about PARKS, Fairy Trails, Abandon All Artichokes, and So Clover!

BGB Podcast #157 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2020: 20-11

We’re moving into the terrible teens of the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. I learned all I know about American teenagers from TV, so I assume this is where all the sex and drugs come in. Let’s get to it then, forty (roughly) more games that we simply adore. As the list goes on, they only get better and better. That is, after all, the premise.

BGB Podcast #133 – Light It Up

Things got a bit heavy last week, so let’s take things down a notch by exploring the other end of the scale. Light games are just as important for a board game collection, after all. We discuss what light games offer that heavier games don’t, and mention some of our recent favourites. Before we lighten the mood, we talk about Reef, Clans of Caledonia, and Tutankhamun.

BGB Podcast #123 – Filler Up

Sometimes you have a little gap of time between larger, heavier games, and what you need is a palate cleanser, which brings us to the realm of games we lovingly call “fillers”. We kick off the very first Ranked Duel Battle of the Boards (definitely not the final title) by ranking our favourite filler games! Before we pass the time, we talk about Aerion, Ingenious, The One Hundred Torii, and Taluva.