Tagged: green team wins

BGB Podcast #239: We’re Back and We Brought Lots of Games

Well, we’re back, and some of us a little worse for wear, but if a week off doesn’t get us back into gear, nothing will. Gen Con is behind us, and Mark, who sadly couldn’t make the con, quizzes us about our highlights of the show. Before we cast our minds back to Indiana, we talk about Cat in the Box, Formosa Tea, and Twilight Inscription.

BGB Podcast #236: Gen Con 2022 Preview

Gen Con is a week away! We’re headed to Indianapolis (hope to see you there!) but before we do, we’re looking down the preview list to get ourselves hyped. These are our five games we’re each most excited to see at the show! Before we go Indy, we talk about Vabanque, Orongo, and Blood on the Clocktower.