Tagged: dungeon fighter

BGB Podcast #323 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2024: Mark’s 50-31

It’s time! The grand spectacle that is our greatest games of all time is here at last! We’re breaking things out a bit differently this year, so Mark’s taking center stage while Kellen & Neilan mock his choices. It’s the first twenty games from his list, so games 50 through 31. LET’S GOOOO!

BGB Podcast #296 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2023: 40-31

It’s the second leg of the grand tour that is the top fifty. This week, we’re doing our 40th to 31st favourite games … of all time! It’s almost like Christmas just keeps going! Grab a glass of sherry and join us by the fire, we’re not about to stop any time soon.

BGB Podcast #269 – Keep On Rollin’, Bob

BGBBOB’s back, and he’s rollin’ (rollin’) rollin’ on a river of amazing games, all of which feature some incredible dice play. As is our sacred duty, we won’t rest until we’ve arranged them in some sort of numerical order, a ranked list, if you will. Before we rattle the bones, we talk about The Lord of the Rings Adventure Book Game, The South: Terminus, Beyond Baker Street, and The Defence of Procyon III.

BGB Podcast #256: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 50-41

It’s top fifty season! That’s right, it’s the time to reflect on every single game we’ve ever played, and see how we feel about them in the year of our lord, 2022. We sort through the chaff, and from it we weave a beautiful golden strand we call our top fifty greatest games of all time. Grab a glass, and join us.

BGB Podcast #204 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2021: 50-41 (ft. Mike Dilisio)

It’s time. The event of the year is upon us, as we begin counting down our FIFTY. FAVOURITE. GAMES. OF. ALL. TIME. We’re kicking it off where you kick off all good top 50s, with our games ranked 50th to 41st favourite games. And we’ve also invited Mr Delicious himself, Mike DiLisio of The Dice Tower, to pick apart our choices from his lofty perch in the peanut gallery. Let’s go!

BGB Podcast #154 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2020: 50-41

It’s here at last, the big event! Yes, it’s the first episode of the yearly ritual we inventively call the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. And this year, for the first time, the Blue Tank, Christina is weighing in too. That’s forty incredible games to kick us off! Join us in the weeks ahead as we sing the praises of our absolute favourite board games, because we’re just getting started.

BGB Podcast #137 – Past Its Prime

Some games are built to last, and no, we’re not just talking about the … R-word. For others, the high highs of early games must give way to the dawning realization that all is not well. We look at reasons we might end up moving past games we once held in high regard. Before we overstay our welcome, we talk about Sandstone, Ctrl, The Fox in the Forest Duet, and Unmatched.

BGB Podcast #83 – Dexterous Laboratory

We’re running components through our fingers this week, because we’re ranking our favourite games that require dexterity. Whether it’s flicking, stacking, or balancing, dexterity games tend to offer a respite from brain burning crunchiness, and a chance to exercise actual muscles. Before our hands tremble, we talk about The Wizard Always Wins, Genoa, and Paku Paku.

BGB Podcast #46 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2018: 50-41

You know what they say, a journey of a thousand miles, starts with steps fifty through forty-one. We’re counting down to our 50th episode, and what better way than to give our definitive lists of our fifty favourite games of all time?! You’ve been asking for it, so we’ve only gone and done it....

BGB Podcast #42 – We’ve Been Co-opted

Stop, collaborate, and listen. Not everything has to be a competition, because this week we’re talking about cooperation. I know, it’s weird, in some games, you’re not actually trying to beat the other players! We’re counting down our favourite co-op games, “favourite” of course being a relative term in Kalen’s case. Before we put our...