Tagged: anachrony

BGB Podcast #324 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2024: Neilan’s 50-31

It’s meeeeeeeeeee! So if you care to find my top 50 list, look right here. The first twenty incredible games on the list that early critics are calling “surprisingly tasteful” and “delightfully roomy” is finally yours to consume. It’s the greatest board games of all-time, Neilan edition!

BGB Podcast #295 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2023: 50-41

It’s tiiiiiiime! It’s the top fifty! That’s right, the much anticipated, much celebrated, much imitated (we definitely did it first) event of the season is here. We’re counting down each of our favourite fifty games of all time! Or at least, for right now! It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing, and we’d love if you pulled up a chair and joined us for it.

BGB Podcast #256: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 50-41

It’s top fifty season! That’s right, it’s the time to reflect on every single game we’ve ever played, and see how we feel about them in the year of our lord, 2022. We sort through the chaff, and from it we weave a beautiful golden strand we call our top fifty greatest games of all time. Grab a glass, and join us.

BGB Podcast #249: The Essence of Excess

Games are getting bigger and more lavish, especially in the age of crowdfunding, but how far is too far? How many luxury bits, giant boxes of minis, and silk-screened wooden meeples until it’s all gone a bit far? Before we dress for excess, we talk about Habitats, Blood on the Clocktower, Twilight Inscription, and It’s a Wonderful Kingdom.

BGB Podcast #202 – Your Fulfilled Potential

Looking back on the past made us all reflective. For instance, remember 166 episodes ago when we promised to play all those games on our shelves of shame? I thought you might. We’re revisiting our crimes of yesteryear, and checking in on how guilty we are. Before we audit our past selves, we talk about Warp’s Edge, Carolus Magnus, and Unfathomable.

BGB Podcast #184 – Science Based Friction

Board game science is a delicate process, but thankfully BOB’s here to help, in another BGB Battle of Board (Games)! This week, we’re pitting our favourite science fiction themed games against each other. That’s fifteen sci fi games, which we’ll put in a fact based ordered list, ready to submit to the journal of your choice. Before we pollute space, we talk about Riverboat, Bug Council of Backyardia, and Rocketmen.

BGB Podcast #160 – Resolutions and Revisitations

Look, when we made those resolutions in episode 105, how were we to know? The world exploded, and here we are, one year later, sheepishly looking back on the goals we set. But we’re not beaten yet, we cast our minds forward (always forward, never back) and set our sights on our resolutions for 2021. Before we make promises we definitely will keep, we talk about Sprawlopolis, Bandada, and Terramara.

BGB Podcast #120 – Light on the Horizon

We all need something to look forward to, so this episode we’re eagerly anticipating all the good things in the world of board gaming that are yet to come in 2020. Some of it might be a ways off, but where’s the harm in getting the hype train rolling early? Before we cast our eyes ahead, we talk about Splendor, Qwirkle, Bronze Age, and Guards of Atlantis II.

BGB Podcast #97 – Eleven Herbs and Biases

We’ve all got them, whether we’ll care to admit it or not, quirks and and biases that might be irrational, but nevertheless affect our judgement of the games we play. This week we’re looking at a few of the little things that might weigh a game in or out of our favour, even if they don’t necessarily make much sense. Before we exercise extreme prejudice, we talk about Flamme Rouge, The North, and Ragusa.

BGB Podcast #36 – Your Unfulfilled Potential

Why play today what you can put off until tomorrow? What’s your white whale? The one game you’ve been itching to get to the table for ages, but for whatever reason, just never have? Well, call me Ishmael, ’cause we’re counting down not just one, not five, but ten games each that we haven’t...