Tagged: 7 wonders architects

BGB Podcast #227: Board Games: The Sequel: Part II: Electric Boogaloo

It doesn’t happen as much as it does in other industries, but every so often the people at the top demand serialization. We’re talking about sequels in board games, when they work, when they (super) don’t, and what we’d like to see get the treatment. Before we get franchised, we talk about Next Station: London, Dawn of the Zeds (Third Edition), and Azul: Queen’s Garden.

BGB Podcast #224: Golden Geek Awards 2021

The Golden Geek results are in for 2021, and to avoid burying the lede … we won! We’re over the moon, naturally, but we couldn’t have done it without you. We celebrate by giving our takes on the rest of the awards, how we voted, and what we think about the other categories. Before we bathe in our glory, we talk about Aristocracy, Senators, and Ark Nova.

BGB Podcast #214: Bob’s Alright (For Fighting)

Return of the Bob! If you don’t know what a BGBBOB, boy you’ve missed out. Twelve games enter, and, well, they all exit, but only once they’ve been arranged in the appropriate order via a series of one on one fights. And fights are doubly appropriate this week, because we’re battling it out in search of the best combat systems. Before we wish for peace, we talk about 7 Wonders: Architects, Kokopelli, and Canopy.