Tagged: sagani

BGB Podcast #204 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2021: 50-41 (ft. Mike Dilisio)

It’s time. The event of the year is upon us, as we begin counting down our FIFTY. FAVOURITE. GAMES. OF. ALL. TIME. We’re kicking it off where you kick off all good top 50s, with our games ranked 50th to 41st favourite games. And we’ve also invited Mr Delicious himself, Mike DiLisio of The Dice Tower, to pick apart our choices from his lofty perch in the peanut gallery. Let’s go!

BGB Podcast #166 – You’ve Got to Iterate to Innovate

Design often builds heavily on what has come before, but some designers, have made an art of iteration, taking their own beloved designs, and frequently reinventing them in new ways. We dig into this practice of extremely iterative design, and how it fits into an industry hungry for fresh ideas. Before we do it again, we talk about Dirge: The Rust Wars, Electropolis, Vinhos Deluxe Edition, Architects of the West Kingdom, and Sagani.