Tagged: sacred rites

BGB Podcast #209: Holiday Hits and Hot Questions

And we’re back! The holiday extravaganza is over, and it’s back to business as usual around here. And what better way to get back into the swing of things than with some h-h-hot questions! Before that, we catch up on our holidays apart, with tales about the games that we played with our loved ones, including The Siege of Runedar, Snakesss, and Time Bomb Evolution.

BGB Podcast #203 – You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me

It’d be great if we could only ever play our favourites. But sometimes, perhaps more often than not, we have to put up with playing games not because we want to, but because it’s the polite or kind thing to do depending on the company. This week, we’re talking about games that we don’t necessarily love, but for whatever reason we end up playing a lot of. Before we’re held against our will, we talk about Mr. Cabbagehead’s Garden, Sacred Rites, and Great Plains.