Tagged: rise & fall

BGB Podcast #320 – We Played A Clump of Games!

We’ve been to Las Vegas and back for the very unofficial recurring gathering we like to call BarrageCon (which is really just all of us hanging out at Mark’s place, and we had a lot of games lined up to play, and I daresay we did a pretty good job of getting through them. Here’s our report back, just a bunch of impressions of a bunch of games – including Rise & Fall, Fractured Sky, and Wilmot’s Warehouse!

BGB Podcast #245: Essen SPIEL 2022 Hype List

It’s convention season, which means we’re on the way to one convention, while talking about another. Every year a lot of new games get showed off at Essen SPIEL in Germany, and these are the ones we’re most excited to hear more about! Before we start messin’ with Essen, we talk about Plutocracy and Finca.