Tagged: photograph

BGB Podcast #259: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 20-11

We’ve reached the penultimate part of our five part series, the great series that is sometimes called our top fifty greatest games of all time! We’re barreling close to the end now, but not without a lot of moving and shaking first. Here’s another fine selection of thirty amazing games we love.

BGB Podcast #247: We Played A Heap of Games!

What good would going to a convention be if we didn’t play a lot of games? We’re back from our trip, and it was filled to the brim of fine games played with fine people, and we’re here to tell you about all of them, the good, the bad, and perfunctory. Before we return to Vancouver, we talk about Village Rails, The Guild of Merchant Explorers, and Puzzle Strike 2.

BGB Podcast #240: The Pillars of Recreation

The pillars of board gaming are games that are so influential, so ubiquitous, that they’re practically the shoulders on which many other board games stand. We talk about what are commonly considered the classic pillars, and try to make a more modern list. Before we get into Greek architecture, we talk about Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon, Trailblazers, Photograph, and Ys.