Tagged: penguin party

BGB Podcast #321 – Fire Away, Ghost Turkey

Gobble Bobble, here comes trouble in the form of a pairing we never thought we’d see – Bob and the Ghost Turkey have delivered us another holiday nightmare. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Before we tuck in, we talk about Tapple, Mini Rails, and Naishi.

BGB Podcast #320 – We Played A Clump of Games!

We’ve been to Las Vegas and back for the very unofficial recurring gathering we like to call BarrageCon (which is really just all of us hanging out at Mark’s place, and we had a lot of games lined up to play, and I daresay we did a pretty good job of getting through them. Here’s our report back, just a bunch of impressions of a bunch of games – including Rise & Fall, Fractured Sky, and Wilmot’s Warehouse!