Tagged: marvel champions

BGB Podcast #299 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2023: 10-1

We made it! We’ve arrived at last at the final ten games, in fact, our TOP TEN favourite games of all time. Thanks for joining us again on this yearly pilgrimage, as always it’s the journey that’s the important thing – but that’s not to say that there isn’t some exciting moving and shaking to happen at the destination. That said, it’s time to pass out on the couch.

BGB Podcast #258: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 30-21

It’s a new year, but the list must go on. The list, that is, of our top fifty greatest games of all time! It’s part three, which everyone knows is the dark middle chapter of every pentalogy, so expect some swoops, some turns, some revelations. Brace yourself for another thirty incredible games that we can’t wait to tell you all about.

BGB Podcast #204 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2021: 50-41 (ft. Mike Dilisio)

It’s time. The event of the year is upon us, as we begin counting down our FIFTY. FAVOURITE. GAMES. OF. ALL. TIME. We’re kicking it off where you kick off all good top 50s, with our games ranked 50th to 41st favourite games. And we’ve also invited Mr Delicious himself, Mike DiLisio of The Dice Tower, to pick apart our choices from his lofty perch in the peanut gallery. Let’s go!

BGB Podcast #196 – Question Time with Jeremy

We love all of the emails we get from you, our lovely listeners, but without a regular mail segment, we can’t often give them the attention they deserve. Well that ends right now, as we delve into the long neglected pile of mail, and answer some choice questions that have been waiting patiently for answers. Before we rustle in the mailbag, we talk about Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done, and World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

BGB Podcast #168 – Board Games Suck with Dan Hughes from Sporadically Board

Dan Hughes from Sporadically Board joins us to flip the podcast on its head. Now that we’ve spent a hundred and sixty seven episodes raving about board games, it’s only fair that we discuss all the reasons they suck. Before we turn heel, we talk about Blackout: Hong Kong, Royal Visit, Marvel Champions: The Card Game and Deckscape: Test Time.

BGB Podcast #130 – And the Award Goes To …

It’s award season when we say it is, so we’re looking back at the Golden Geek Awards, The Dice Tower Awards, and the Spiel des Jahres nominees. We offer our thoughts on their picks, and how wrong they are. I mean, Wingspan winning “Best Four-Wheel Drive SUV” just seems a bit much. We also talk about Battlestar Galactica, Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small, Paladins of the West Kingdom, and The Boss.