Tagged: gen con 2019

BGB Podcast #82 – Tales from the Tables

We just flew in from Indianapolis, and boy are our arms tired! From carrying all these games. But, more than the games, it’s the people you meet that make the memories, so we’re recovering from a very long weekend at Gen Con by telling some of our favourite little stories from the floor. Before we revisit our weekend, we talk about Tuki, God of War: The Card Game, and Wits & Wagers Vegas.

BGB Podcast #81 – Gen Con 2019 Day Three

Our trilogy of Gen Con podcasts concludes with one last foray between the sheets! Join us on the floor in room [redacted] one last time, for our thoughts from day three. We talk about Sanctum, Potemkin Empire, MegaCity: Oceania, and Aegean Sea.

BGB Podcast #80 – Gen Con 2019 Day Two

Day two is over, but we’re just getting started, because it’s all about those Gen Con nights. We’re up way too late, yet again, to give you the scoops from the floor. We talk about Finger Guns at High Noon, Realm of Sand, and Medium.

BGB Podcast #79 – Gen Con 2019 Day One

Gen Con! It’s time yet again for freezer pants, gourmet coffee and going between the sheets. Join us for our quick day one impressions from the floor, and I mean that quite literally. We talk about Mechanica, Nine Tiles Panic, and Letter Jam.

BGB Podcast #76 – Gen Con 2019 Preview

Gen Con 2019 is mere weeks away, and I bet you don’t even know what games are going to be there. Fear not, we’ve got you covered! We’re counting down our most anticipated games of the show, having meticulously studied BGG’s preview list, and looked at all the pretty pictures. Before we plan our trip, we talk about Cryptid, Two Rooms and a Boom, and Planet.