Tagged: fast forward fortress

BGB Podcast #126 – So Very Wrong About Games

I know this is going to come as a shock, but sometimes we get things wrong. As we’ve worked our way through the hobby, we’ve discovered that some positions we once held, aren’t ones we still do. So it’s time to revisit our past transgressions and come clean. Before we admit our mistakes, we talk about Tang Garden, Fast Forward: FORTRESS, and Race for the Galaxy.

BGB Podcast #95 – Holiday Hits

Where has the year gone?! It’s almost time to start packing our bags for various family gatherings, and inevitably the most important question becomes … what games are we taking? Whether it’s specific games for specific people, or games that work in large inexperienced groups, we’re here to make your holidays merry and bright. Before we head on home, we talk about Ethnos, Street Masters, Templari, and Carnival of Monsters.

BGB Podcast #31 – Logged and Loaded

Be warned, we invoke the most dangerous of all rulesets, science. Just when you thought we couldn’t get nerdier, this episode is all about logging plays and collecting statistics on your games. It turns out it’s actually a pretty fun way to look back on your gaming history, but we’ll leave that to Mark...