Tagged: everdell

BGB Podcast #317 – Fantasy Draft: Overrated Games

So we’ve done a lot of these drafts before, but I don’t think we’ve done one quite like this. This time we’re each trying to draft a set of five games that we think you might agree are incredibly overrated. What does that mean exactly? Well that’s up for debate too. What isn’t up for debate is that you could win $100 just by voting! Before we widen our delta, we talk about Undaunted 2200: Callisto, Nature, and Barcelona.

BGB Podcast #305 – Hook, Line, and Sinker

Sometimes a game has a conceit so good, that it’s the only description you need to sell someone on it. Let’s call it the hook. Do all games have them, or is it something that only a certain type of game can get away with – and why don’t they just print that on the box cover? Before we get the hook, we talk about Havalandi, Courtisans, 12 Chip Trick, and Dune Imperium: Uprising.

BGB Podcast #249: The Essence of Excess

Games are getting bigger and more lavish, especially in the age of crowdfunding, but how far is too far? How many luxury bits, giant boxes of minis, and silk-screened wooden meeples until it’s all gone a bit far? Before we dress for excess, we talk about Habitats, Blood on the Clocktower, Twilight Inscription, and It’s a Wonderful Kingdom.

BGB Podcast #163 – Our Listeners’ Top 20 Board Games of All-Time 2021

Wow! We asked for your top twenty lists, and boy did you deliver. We’ve crunched the numbers on the hundreds of submissions, and created what we think is the definitive list of BGB listeners’ favourite board games. Now let us tell you how we think you did. Before we outsource our work, we talk about Santa Monica, Steam Works, and Cthulhu: Death May Die.

BGB Podcast #60 – Tabling the Discussion

I’ll take the sticks and stones, thanks. We’re at the table talking table talk, all the little things that get said while you’re playing a board game. Sure, there’s plenty to be said in a social deduction or negotiation game, but what about less talky games? What’s appropriate and what isn’t? Before we say...