Tagged: dark moon

BGB Podcast #283 – Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal

Not all are as blessed as we are by the gift of truly original thought, and so many turn to others for inspiration. Whether it’s Newton standing on the shoulders of giants, or stealing from our rich neighbour Xerox, many great ideas are born from what has come before. Before we make the inspired choice, we talk about Masters of Renaissance: Lorenzo il Magnifico – The Card Game, Innovation Ultimate, and Dawn of Ulos.

BGB Podcast #74 – Story Time with Paula Deming

Special guest Paula Deming joins us this week, as we tell board game stories! We think back to especially funny times we had playing a board game, that were only made possible by the game itself. Before we spin yarns, we talk about Evolution: Climate, Terrible Monster, Sweet Nose, and Dice Throne: Season One.