The draft is back, and while the lists are getting really thin at this point, that’s not going to stop us doing our damndest to pick out a killer selection of five games each. Whose is the best? That’s up to you – and if you vote, you stand a chance to win a gift voucher for $50! Before we put our fate in your hands, we talk about Shake That City, Clank!: Catacombs, and Galactic Renaissance.
We’ve reached the penultimate part of our five part series, the great series that is sometimes called our top fifty greatest games of all time! We’re barreling close to the end now, but not without a lot of moving and shaking first. Here’s another fine selection of thirty amazing games we love.
Okay, this end of the BGG top list starts to get weird. Regardless, we must draft. Who’s going to end up with the best selection of five games from this chunk of one hundred? That’s up to you – vote and you could win a $50 gift voucher! Before we pick a peck of paper products, we talk about Town 66, Akropolis, and Pampero.
What better way to send off the year than part three of the party to end all parties, the BGB Top 50! We’re adding thirty more incredible games to the list, with our 30th to 21st favourite picks. This week, we have the Black Tank, Mike Walker of So Very Wrong About Games tearing apart our choices from the peanut gallery!
War in the middle list. It’s the dark middle chapter of the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. Time to call in a new director, change things up, and get subversive. Well, if there were any directors who’d still work with us. This week, we’re barreling through our twenties in what...
We’re reflecting on the past this episode, looking back at the things we said – never wise, by the way. The games of 2019 had a lot of promise, but how young and dumb they seem to our aged eyes. Where are they now? Join us as we cast our minds back to last decade, to reflect on the games we were excited for so many months ago.
We made it! The big one-oh-oh. That’s a thing people say, right? We’re starting a five episodes series, working our way down each of our top fifty games of all time. We’ll discuss what might make a game move up or down our list, celebrate the highs that the hobby has to offer, and talk about a heck of a lot of amazing board games. Buckle up!
No, not that game. We’re talking about the life cycles of games, how we acquire them, how we end up moving on from them. Where do we generally get our games from, and how do we typically get rid of them? Things get a little bit existential before the end. Before we, blinking, step into the sun, we also talk about Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne, 18Lilliput, and Tonari.
Kellen’s back, which some might say is too many hosts – apt, because we’re an episode of extremes today. We’re talking about games that are too simple, too complex, too short, or too long, that might otherwise have been among our favourites. Before we venture outside the Goldilocks zone, we talk about Q.E., Cartographers, and City of the Big Shoulders.
We just flew in from Indianapolis, and boy are our arms tired! From carrying all these games. But, more than the games, it’s the people you meet that make the memories, so we’re recovering from a very long weekend at Gen Con by telling some of our favourite little stories from the floor. Before we revisit our weekend, we talk about Tuki, God of War: The Card Game, and Wits & Wagers Vegas.