Tagged: chess

BGB Podcast #312 – Fantasy Draft: Spiel des Jahres Winners

It’s awards season, which means that Germany’s back to tell us what games are popping off over there. And that also means we’re back to tell you what we think about what they think. More than that – we’re looking through the annals of Spiel des Jahres history to drafting the winningest games of all the winners! Which means you too can be a winner of $100! Just vote! Before everyone’s a winner, we talk about Chess, Vabanque, The Mandalorian: Adventures, and Path of Civilization.

BGB Podcast #197 – Fantasy Draft: BoardGameGeek 401-500

It’s part five of our venerable draft series, a series so loved that it’s now in syndication! We’re moving on to the tail end of the BGB Top 500, but the format stays the same: draft five games to build a standalone collection that’s better than the others. Vote for your favourite, and you can win $50! Before we collect royalties, we talk about PARKS, Fairy Trails, Abandon All Artichokes, and So Clover!

BGB Podcast #98 – Thanks, Ghost Turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We’re showing our thanks with a surprise podcast about … well, maybe we’ll just let the episode speak for itself. Gobble gobble.

BGB Podcast #66 – The Only Winning Move

Strange game. Dominant strategies can ruin a game; if there’s one clear best way to win, why not use it every time? We discuss these optimal strategies, whether they’re always problematic, and how to deal with them at your game table. Before we break the game, we talk about A Feast for Odin: The...

BGB Podcast #44 – Red Letter Episode

They say there’s no such thing as a stupid question, but we’ll show ’em. It’s your time to shine! We field questions from you, our adoring fans, in our first ever Q&A episode. You sent us the important topical issues you’ve been yearning for our take on, and takes ye shall receive. Before we...

BGB Podcast #42 – We’ve Been Co-opted

Stop, collaborate, and listen. Not everything has to be a competition, because this week we’re talking about cooperation. I know, it’s weird, in some games, you’re not actually trying to beat the other players! We’re counting down our favourite co-op games, “favourite” of course being a relative term in Kalen’s case. Before we put our...

BGB Podcast #29 – Cult of the You Do You

Shiny and new! Everyone online is talking about the latest, greatest thing, and you can’t help but feel that you’re missing out. How important is it to keep up with the cult of the new? Didn’t mother always say to never join a cult? Before we cancel our preorders, we also talk about Cthulhu...