Tagged: carnegie

BGB Podcast #274 – Guessing Golden Geeks

We can all agree the Golden Geeks peaked last year, but I suppose we can continue the facade if we must. Nominees are out for BoardGameGeek’s annual awards, and as the presiding champions of taste, we’re declaring our favourites. Before we prognosticate, we talk about Spots, Big City, and Horseless Carriage.

BGB Podcast #181 – Save Dat Money

Look, we know, we don’t exactly help matters, but this hobby can be expensive. So, to make up for fueling your FOMO, we’re gonna lay out some of the ways that we consciously try to curb our board game spending, while still keeping up with the zeitgeist. Before we balance our budget, we talk about Summer Camp, Wildlands, and Rome & Roll.

BGB Podcast #165 – Thriving or Barely Surviving?

There are two good ways to create engagement in a board game: One is to let the player feel like they’re achieving something constantly, the other is to keep them feeling like any wrong move could tank their game. We’re dubbing this the “thriving to barely surviving” spectrum, but first, we need to figure out where some of our favourite games fit on it. Before we surthrive, we talk about Carnegie, Divvy Dice, and Underwater Cities.

BGB Podcast #160 – Resolutions and Revisitations

Look, when we made those resolutions in episode 105, how were we to know? The world exploded, and here we are, one year later, sheepishly looking back on the goals we set. But we’re not beaten yet, we cast our minds forward (always forward, never back) and set our sights on our resolutions for 2021. Before we make promises we definitely will keep, we talk about Sprawlopolis, Bandada, and Terramara.