Tagged: bitoku

BGB Podcast #244: Quick Count

 We’re in and out quick and breezy, with a h-h-hot question about player counts. All things equally considered, how many people do you want at the table? Before we boot people from the game, we talk about Bitoku, San Francisco, and Caesar’s Empire. If you don’t want to miss an episode, please subscribe...

BGB Podcast #194 – Essen SPIEL 2021 Hype List

Convention season in the new world continues, and this time it’s Germany’s turn, with Essen SPIEL just days away from kicking off. But tanks, you say, I don’t sprechen Deutsch. We’ve got you. We’re going to highlight all the games that we think you ought to be paying attention to, no German necessary. Before we spend our Euros, we talk about Praga Caput Regni, Skulk Hollow, and Beez.