Tagged: archipelago

BGB Podcast #176 – Sweet Summer Lovin’

We love listener questions, and this week we’ve got a couple that we thought made for some fun talking points. Specifically, we’re trying to find the salt licorice of board games, and start planning some easy breezy summer games. Before our quick twosome, we talk about Trekking the World, Inkling, My City, and Ruination.

BGB Podcast #158 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2020: 10-1

It’s the big one! We’ve come at last to the grand finale of the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time … Top. Ten. Baby. These are our absolute favourite games, forty (thirty?) all together, that we’d just about never turn down a game of. If you’ve made it all the way here, thanks for joining us on this ride, it’s been wild.

BGB Podcast #157 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2020: 20-11

We’re moving into the terrible teens of the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. I learned all I know about American teenagers from TV, so I assume this is where all the sex and drugs come in. Let’s get to it then, forty (roughly) more games that we simply adore. As the list goes on, they only get better and better. That is, after all, the premise.

BGB Podcast #156 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2020: 30-21

War in the middle list. It’s the dark middle chapter of the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. Time to call in a new director, change things up, and get subversive. Well, if there were any directors who’d still work with us. This week, we’re barreling through our twenties in what...

BGB Podcast #143 – Pace Yourself

Slow and steady might win the race, but it doesn’t make for an exciting board game. Pacing is a vital component of most entertainment mediums that doesn’t often get applied to board games, so we’re going to climb and climb and climb and climb … and then rapidly descend down the roller-coaster of emotion that makes for some of our favourite games. Before we set the pace, we talk about Bus, The Game: Quick & Easy, and Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun.

BGB Podcast #140 – All About Auctions

We return to our much loved feature from 2018, all about our favourite mechanics. This week, a mere two years later: auctions! We look at the good and bad sides of auction mechanics, and discuss our favourite games that feature them. Before we inflate the bid, we talk about Fleet: The Dice Game, Iwari, and Modern Art.

BGB Podcast #139 – Bugbear Brawl

It’s an unprecedented trio of hosts, but we’re no less heated about our biggest board game bugbears. In fact, we’re so upset about these little annoyances, that we couldn’t help but order them in a list for your amusement … BGBBOB style. Before we get bugged by bears, we talk about Calico, Telestrations: Upside Drawn, and Pendulum.

BGB Podcast #132 – Heavy Duty with Monique from Before You Play

Monique from Before You Play is with us to get heavy. We’re discussing the allure of heavy games, and who better to talk us through them than a Vital Lacerda fan who loves to not just play them, but teach them? We dig into why we enjoy the occasional heavy game, and why you should too! Before we play, we talk about DURIAN, Animal Kingdoms, and Brass: Birmingham.

BGB Podcast #126 – So Very Wrong About Games

I know this is going to come as a shock, but sometimes we get things wrong. As we’ve worked our way through the hobby, we’ve discovered that some positions we once held, aren’t ones we still do. So it’s time to revisit our past transgressions and come clean. Before we admit our mistakes, we talk about Tang Garden, Fast Forward: FORTRESS, and Race for the Galaxy.

BGB Podcast #104 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2019: 10-1

Here it is, the episode you’ve all been waiting for, the grand finale, the culmination of five weeks of episodes. These are our top ten favourite board games of all-time, games that we absolutely adore, and would happily play at a moment’s notice. Heck, we’d even play the games on each others’ lists … on, you know, birthdays and special occasions. That’s how good they are.