Tagged: arcadia quest

BGB Podcast #214: Bob’s Alright (For Fighting)

Return of the Bob! If you don’t know what a BGBBOB, boy you’ve missed out. Twelve games enter, and, well, they all exit, but only once they’ve been arranged in the appropriate order via a series of one on one fights. And fights are doubly appropriate this week, because we’re battling it out in search of the best combat systems. Before we wish for peace, we talk about 7 Wonders: Architects, Kokopelli, and Canopy.

BGB Podcast #115 – Gone But Not Forgotten

There’s only so much space on our shelves, so games don’t always stick around forever, but that doesn’t always mean that we don’t like them. There are many reasons that a good game might get the boot, so let’s talk about them. We count down our top five favourite games we got rid of! Before we pay our respects, we talk about Through the Desert, Lords of Hellas, Troyes, and Watergate.

BGB Podcast #106 – Popcorn Time with Mike DiLisio

Mike DiLisio (of The Dice Tower, and Sporadically Board) makes his BGB podcast debut as the Fandango Tank! Mike’s trying to sell us on popcorn games. These are games that may or may not be … critically sound, but nevertheless provide fun experiences that we find ourselves returning to. But why wouldn’t we just play something more substantive instead? We investigate.