Tagged: war of the ring

BGB Podcast #297 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2023: 30-21

It’s a new year which is an awkward time to be right in the middle of something, but we’re doing a thing here. It’s part three of our Top 50 games of all-time! This week it’s our 30th to 21st favourite games, and this is where things start to get spicy. This is like five chilis next to the menu item hotness we’re talking. Grab a bib and join us for another course!

BGB Podcast #230: Worth the Weight

While we tend to enjoy games across the whole spectrum, there’s something particular about sinking your teeth into a really heavy game. But it’s not always an easy prospect; conditions have to be just right. So what makes a heavy game worth it? Before things get heavy, we talk about Barony, Bausack, Whitehall Mystery, and Dead Reckoning.

BGB Podcast #211: Our Most Anticipated Games of 2022

New year, new games, and we’re really in it now. We look ahead to the year ahead, and all the games that we’re most excited to get our hands on … but we couldn’t do it without just a little bit of help from our friends. Before we consult our many crystal balls, we talk about American Bookshop, War of the Ring: Second Edition, and Coffee Traders.

BGB Podcast #202 – Your Fulfilled Potential

Looking back on the past made us all reflective. For instance, remember 166 episodes ago when we promised to play all those games on our shelves of shame? I thought you might. We’re revisiting our crimes of yesteryear, and checking in on how guilty we are. Before we audit our past selves, we talk about Warp’s Edge, Carolus Magnus, and Unfathomable.

BGB Podcast #164 – Get Uncomfortable

It’s getting a bit too comfortable around here. Time to put stones in our shoes, tighten our belts, and get out of our comfort zones. We talk about the times that we’ve found ourselves in unfamiliar or uncomfortable gaming situations, and what we learned about ourselves in the process. Before we unfluff our pillows, we talk about Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation, Reavers of Midgard, and Paleo.

BGB Podcast #160 – Resolutions and Revisitations

Look, when we made those resolutions in episode 105, how were we to know? The world exploded, and here we are, one year later, sheepishly looking back on the goals we set. But we’re not beaten yet, we cast our minds forward (always forward, never back) and set our sights on our resolutions for 2021. Before we make promises we definitely will keep, we talk about Sprawlopolis, Bandada, and Terramara.

BGB Podcast #36 – Your Unfulfilled Potential

Why play today what you can put off until tomorrow? What’s your white whale? The one game you’ve been itching to get to the table for ages, but for whatever reason, just never have? Well, call me Ishmael, ’cause we’re counting down not just one, not five, but ten games each that we haven’t...