Tagged: kites

BGB Podcast #274 – Guessing Golden Geeks

We can all agree the Golden Geeks peaked last year, but I suppose we can continue the facade if we must. Nominees are out for BoardGameGeek’s annual awards, and as the presiding champions of taste, we’re declaring our favourites. Before we prognosticate, we talk about Spots, Big City, and Horseless Carriage.

BGB Podcast #254: A Celebration of Innovation

One of the greatest things about taking part in this hobby, is seeing new and novel ideas bubble to the surface. We’re looking at some our favourite recent innovations – stuff that makes us think, “Huh, why haven’t we seen that before?” Before we do anything but imitate and iterate, we talk about Paint the Roses, and ISS Vanguard.

BGB Podcast #239: We’re Back and We Brought Lots of Games

Well, we’re back, and some of us a little worse for wear, but if a week off doesn’t get us back into gear, nothing will. Gen Con is behind us, and Mark, who sadly couldn’t make the con, quizzes us about our highlights of the show. Before we cast our minds back to Indiana, we talk about Cat in the Box, Formosa Tea, and Twilight Inscription.