Tagged: dominion

BGB Podcast #312 – Fantasy Draft: Spiel des Jahres Winners

It’s awards season, which means that Germany’s back to tell us what games are popping off over there. And that also means we’re back to tell you what we think about what they think. More than that – we’re looking through the annals of Spiel des Jahres history to drafting the winningest games of all the winners! Which means you too can be a winner of $100! Just vote! Before everyone’s a winner, we talk about Chess, Vabanque, The Mandalorian: Adventures, and Path of Civilization.

BGB Podcast #299 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2023: 10-1

We made it! We’ve arrived at last at the final ten games, in fact, our TOP TEN favourite games of all time. Thanks for joining us again on this yearly pilgrimage, as always it’s the journey that’s the important thing – but that’s not to say that there isn’t some exciting moving and shaking to happen at the destination. That said, it’s time to pass out on the couch.

BGB Podcast #278 – Check Check Check

We’re lucky to have covered wide swathes of the board game world, but there was a time when some of those things were aspirational. Like achievements to cross off on the great board game check list … or like that Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson movie. You know they invented that phrase? Wild. Before we make our list, we talk about Municipium, and Yucatan.

BGB Podcast #273 – Bob Chat

Board games are a social medium, which is a big part of their appeal for us. It’s not just about being heads down solving a puzzle, they facilitate conversation. Some games are better at this than others, so we put BGBBOB on the case to find our favourites! Before we natter away, we talk about Big Top, Autobahn, and Pollen.

BGB Podcast #256: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 50-41

It’s top fifty season! That’s right, it’s the time to reflect on every single game we’ve ever played, and see how we feel about them in the year of our lord, 2022. We sort through the chaff, and from it we weave a beautiful golden strand we call our top fifty greatest games of all time. Grab a glass, and join us.

BGB Podcast #218: Our Listeners’ Top 20 Board Games of All-Time 2022

Wow, hundreds of you sent in your lists, and it was absolute chaos. But we got all the data together, cleaned up the typos, crunched the numbers via a super secret algorithm, and here we are, your favourite games of all-time! For this year, at least. Before you take the stage, we talk about Schotten Totten 2, For Science!, and The Bridges of Shangri-La.

BGB Podcast #210: No One Man Should Have All That Power

Few things feel better than those moments in board games that make you feel powerful. Whether it’s playing the perfect card, pulling off a perfectly executed turn, or splashing down that giant mini, we look at some of our favourite power plays in board games. Before we corrupt absolutely, we talk about Biblios: Quill and Parchment, Cryo, and Origins: First Builders.

BGB Podcast #205 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2021: 40-31 (ft. Monique & Naveen)

We’re back for the second part of the year’s greatest celebration, it’s the top fifty! We’ve got thirty more incredible games to talk about this week, as we get into our games ranked 40th to 31st. This week in the peanut gallery, critiquing our picks, we’re thrilled to have Monique (the Lavender tank herself) and Naveen of Before You Play!

BGB Podcast #182 – Fantasy Draft: BoardGameGeek 101-200

If you thought the Euro 2020 final was tense, wait until you listen to this episode. The next match in the world’s most anticipated series is now here, as we continue down the BoardGameGeek top games list, drafting a collection of five games. Whose do you think is best? Vote to stand a chance to win a $50 gift card! Before we make like snakes, we talk about Chinatown, Curious Cargo, and Mercado de Lisboa.

BGB Podcast #181 – Save Dat Money

Look, we know, we don’t exactly help matters, but this hobby can be expensive. So, to make up for fueling your FOMO, we’re gonna lay out some of the ways that we consciously try to curb our board game spending, while still keeping up with the zeitgeist. Before we balance our budget, we talk about Summer Camp, Wildlands, and Rome & Roll.