Tagged: blood on the clocktower

BGB Podcast #314 – Bringing Out the Best in People

It’s about people, right? Below all the mechanics, after all the rules explanations, beyond every crushing loss and glorious win, what really matters is people we’re playing with. Some games make that more apparent than others, and we’re here to celebrate that. Before we realize it’s about the friends we made along the way, we talk about Arcs, and Luthier.

BGB Podcast #308 – Fantasy Draft: Games To Last a Decade

It’s back, and it’s spicier, more harrowing, and more lucrative than ever before! It’s the Fantasy Draft, and this time we’re changing things up by asking you not to vote for favourite games, but for the set that you think will still be relevant ten years from now (AKA the far flung future). Vote to stand a chance to win a gift card for one hundred dollars! Before we say things we’ll regret in a decade, we also talk about London (Second Edition), and Spectral.

BGB Podcast #299 – Top 50 Games of All-Time 2023: 10-1

We made it! We’ve arrived at last at the final ten games, in fact, our TOP TEN favourite games of all time. Thanks for joining us again on this yearly pilgrimage, as always it’s the journey that’s the important thing – but that’s not to say that there isn’t some exciting moving and shaking to happen at the destination. That said, it’s time to pass out on the couch.

BGB Podcast #292 – Lightning Round

Uh oh, is that thunder? That must mean it’s time for a lightning round – we’re scooping up all the lovely questions and suggestions that just aren’t big enough for the main event, and stuffing them in the blender. This week, it’s public spaces, warning labels, gaming tips, and PAX Unplugged. Before we put fingers on buzzers, we talk about Gift of Tulips, Five Three Five, and Anunnaki: Dawn of the Gods.

BGB Podcast #283 – Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal

Not all are as blessed as we are by the gift of truly original thought, and so many turn to others for inspiration. Whether it’s Newton standing on the shoulders of giants, or stealing from our rich neighbour Xerox, many great ideas are born from what has come before. Before we make the inspired choice, we talk about Masters of Renaissance: Lorenzo il Magnifico – The Card Game, Innovation Ultimate, and Dawn of Ulos.

BGB Podcast #278 – Check Check Check

We’re lucky to have covered wide swathes of the board game world, but there was a time when some of those things were aspirational. Like achievements to cross off on the great board game check list … or like that Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson movie. You know they invented that phrase? Wild. Before we make our list, we talk about Municipium, and Yucatan.

BGB Podcast #274 – Guessing Golden Geeks

We can all agree the Golden Geeks peaked last year, but I suppose we can continue the facade if we must. Nominees are out for BoardGameGeek’s annual awards, and as the presiding champions of taste, we’re declaring our favourites. Before we prognosticate, we talk about Spots, Big City, and Horseless Carriage.

BGB Podcast #259: Top 50 Games of All-Time 2022: 20-11

We’ve reached the penultimate part of our five part series, the great series that is sometimes called our top fifty greatest games of all time! We’re barreling close to the end now, but not without a lot of moving and shaking first. Here’s another fine selection of thirty amazing games we love.

BGB Podcast #250: The Times They Are a-Changin’

Two hundred and fifty episodes. That’s … a lot of episodes. That’s a lot of time! And, boy, things have changed around here. Well some things. We look at what’s different in the hobby since we started doing this whole thing. Before we cast our minds back, we talk about Stone Age, Blood on the Clocktower, Hansa Teutonica, and Aegean Sea.

BGB Podcast #249: The Essence of Excess

Games are getting bigger and more lavish, especially in the age of crowdfunding, but how far is too far? How many luxury bits, giant boxes of minis, and silk-screened wooden meeples until it’s all gone a bit far? Before we dress for excess, we talk about Habitats, Blood on the Clocktower, Twilight Inscription, and It’s a Wonderful Kingdom.