We’re almost bursting at the seams, but there’s room for a little more. It’s the penultimate episode of our five part series, the Top 50 games of all-time! We’re moving on to our 20th to 11th favourite games, which means it’s time for some big risers and dramatic falls. Make yourself a coffee (sugar’s over there in the corner), it’s not time to sleep just yet.
It’s top fifty season! That’s right, it’s the time to reflect on every single game we’ve ever played, and see how we feel about them in the year of our lord, 2022. We sort through the chaff, and from it we weave a beautiful golden strand we call our top fifty greatest games of all time. Grab a glass, and join us.
It doesn’t happen as much as it does in other industries, but every so often the people at the top demand serialization. We’re talking about sequels in board games, when they work, when they (super) don’t, and what we’d like to see get the treatment. Before we get franchised, we talk about Next Station: London, Dawn of the Zeds (Third Edition), and Azul: Queen’s Garden.
It’s time. The event of the year is upon us, as we begin counting down our FIFTY. FAVOURITE. GAMES. OF. ALL. TIME. We’re kicking it off where you kick off all good top 50s, with our games ranked 50th to 41st favourite games. And we’ve also invited Mr Delicious himself, Mike DiLisio of The Dice Tower, to pick apart our choices from his lofty perch in the peanut gallery. Let’s go!
Martin Wallace, titan of industry, man of steam and brass. He’s made a lot of games, often involving trains, but sometimes also Cthulhu. We do a deep dive into the prolific designer’s catalogue, in the next in the series that Mark (and nobody else) is calling BGB DOG. Before we put him in our pocket, we talk about Throne and the Grail, Race for the Galaxy, Dinogenics, and On Mars.
Because making board games is hard, it’s not enough just to have some solid mechanics – the best games have a production that coheres with the design. We look at some examples of games where production considerations (or lack thereof) have helped or hurt how they play. Before we executively produce, we talk about The King is Dead: Second Edition, Equinox, and Enchanted Plumes.
War in the middle list. It’s the dark middle chapter of the Board Game Barrage Top 50 Games of All Time. Time to call in a new director, change things up, and get subversive. Well, if there were any directors who’d still work with us. This week, we’re barreling through our twenties in what...
It’s time for another “What we love, what we hate”, and this time we’re looking at deck builders! Its been twelve years since Dominion blew things up, and since then you don’t have to look very far to see a game that uses the mechanic. We look at the highs and lows of deck building as a mechanic, and discuss some of our favourite games that use it. We also talk about Bruxelles 1897, Elysium, and Can’t Stop.
It’s the season of giving, so our gift to you is more of our favourite board games of all-time! We’re only just halfway, so get comfortable in front of the fire, grab an eggnog, and join us for thirty more incredible games. Oh, you got us something too? Ah. Socks. Thanks.
Believe in steps thirty to twenty-one, and you’re halfway there. Okay, we’re past the middle. It’s all downhill from here, but the good sort of downhill. We’re counting down our fifty favourite board games, in part three of what the world is calling our most ambitious endeavour yet! Well, we’re calling it that. If...